It's not over yet..

We have been blessed with several beautiful Spring days lately. The sun has shown brightly and then in true Spring fashion, the next time you look out, it will be raining. We have had some wonderful rainbows to admire too. But this morning, as I came out of the barn with a bucketful of warm milk, I was smacked in the face with a cold wind and snowflakes. Winter is not quite done yet. That's alright with me because it means I still have a few days left of sitting by the fire and knitting. I guess I have gotten this from my Mom but knitting is so relaxing to me. Sometimes I only get in two or three rows. When my youngest daughter called last night, she asked what I was doing and I said "knitting" and she said, "Alright, old woman"... I guess I am but I wouldn't change a thing. We were under a tornado watch yesterday and we had a doozy of a storm while I was doing the chores last night. Thankfully, no tornadoes here but one set down in Pa just north of us. It was as black as night at 5:00pm when it hit. And now this morning....snow. Those of you who know me, know that I love to try my hand at all kinds of things. I have decided next spring I am going to tap some of our sugar maples and make some maple syrup. I am going to spend the next year trying to gather up all the things I need. I already have a plan in my mind, so stay tuned for next year... I haven't told Tim yet but I can already see the "look" on his face. I have seen it hundreds of times. Oh well, I just can"t help myself.


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