January in almost over!!!

Where does the time go? The older I get, the faster it flies. All of our new babies are doing great and growing like weeds. They are up to 24 ounces at each feeding now. After I milk and I put all the adult does in the loafing area, which is on the other side of the barn, I can let the babies out of their pen. They love to run and jump and crow hop up and down the aisle of the barn. It is so funny to watch them. Those of you who read my blog will remember the hen who is now staying in the barn. She is not too fond of these rowdy babies who have invaded her space. She has taken to living in the barn just fine and she spends her days going from pen to pen, scratching the hay around, looking for some morsel the goats may have missed. Now she has these miniature "demon" goats who run up to her and try to jump on her. This morning she pecked Raspberry on the nose, boy was she surprised! It won't be long and the babies will be big enough to turn out with the adult goats and life will settle down again..... They are calling for a "clipper" to come through today and give us a little more snow. We are in the 2-4 inch range on the Weather Channel. At least we haven't had any more minus 10 nights lately, but February is on the horizon and typically it is our coldest month. But then comes March and it won't be long until we hear our spring peepers singing us to sleep at night. Have a wonderful day.


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