Today's the day

       Well. today is supposed to be the day... the shipping order from UPS says delivery is today. The long awaited spinning wheel.... This has been several years in the making and I can't believe it's finally on it's way here. I moved the living room furniture around to make a place for it. I spent yesterday carding fleece and fiber again. I washed the fiber from "Licorice", one of our Angoras. She is black and I was getting tired of carding all white. I wanted to look at a different color. This was from her first shearing and the fiber is just like silk. I know it will be a while before I can spin her fiber because I don't want to mess it up but it was nice to be handling a different color. I need to learn about dying wool too. So much to learn and I can't wait to get started. I had a request to post a picture of the Alpaca hat I was knitting for Tim, so here it is. I wore it to the barn the other morning, just to see how warm it was and it definitely did the job. I love the ear flaps on it because they keep your cheeks warm too. Have a wonderful day. Mine will be spent listening for the rumble of the UPS truck up the holler. :)


  1. I have always wanted a spinning wheel!! Enjoy. Can't wait to see the picture of it.

  2. That is very exciting!!!! What kind of wheel did you get?

  3. I too would be excited! Your hat is lovely. Glad you shared it.

  4. After years of trying to make up my mind, I decided on a Kromski Polonaise. It has the look of an old wheel, something that was very important to me....and the best part, it is sitting in the box in my living room right now. Can I wait for Tim to get home to assemble it ? Probably not...

  5. COOL!!!!! I've never even seen a "real" spinning wheel! I hope you get LOTS of use out of it. And I love your hat!

  6. I could tell when I arrived at your blog, I was going to find a sweet place! I have not been disappointed! Thank you for your sweet spirit!

    Blessings, Linda
    Prairie Flower Farm

  7. Forgot to day I pray I can have a UPS truck coming up the lane to the farm........with a spinning wheel also! Maybe by then you will be selling your wool.

    Blessings, Linda

  8. i love that pattern! beautiful! looks warm too


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