Happy Groundhog Day

As I headed to the barn this morning at 5 am, I looked to the east, as I always do. Old French Creek Freddie will certainly see his shadow today. I could already see the beginning of a beautifu; sunrise and the stars were twinkling brightly in the rest of the sky. Our babies are growing quickly and getting very active. Yesterday, little Rhubarb somehow squeezed through a crack by the door and was stuck in the milkroom when I got home from work last night. She didn't have enough sense to get herself back out. She had almost no voice left and this morning, she is down to a squeak. Hopefully she doesn't do the same today. I wish you could see them run laps through the barn after they have all had their bottles. It is a riot to watch. As many times as I've seen it, I still never get tired of watching them. I thanked the Lord this morning for healthy babies and happy mamas that are milking well. Hope everyone has a great day.


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