View from the office....

            As the reality of "retirement" sets in, life begins to slow down. I'm not sure one could call this retirement, as I really have quit work to take care of my Mom. She turned 93 last month and I can see her really starting to fail. She has some dementia and her body is just wearing out. It was heavy on my heart that time is short and I felt I needed to spend this time with her, not running off to an office. So it is and here I am. I am used to doing all my chores at breakneck speed but I'm learning to slow down. I'm also learning how to sit on the back porch with my Mom beside me. We talk, she sometimes dozes off, while I sit there and listen to the birds sing or the frogs croak but I want no regrets. No wishing I would have sat there a little longer. The chores will still be waiting for me. The hurry is gone and I love it.
            As I was planting potatoes yesterday, I looked up from the ground and the view was incredible! The sky was the deepest blue, the grass so green and the pasture was dotted with sheep, goats and a couple of ponies. I sat there in the dirt and thought "This is the view from my office". The bluebirds were singing from the fence railing and the swallows were chattering and swooping over me, hoping I would stir up a bug or two for them. I decided I would start some "view from my office" blog posts.
              So the above picture is my view for today. The baby goats are nearly weaned. I have one bottle lamb named Piper and believe me, she earns her name! She is just three weeks old, so will be on a bottle for awhile yet but the milk is in abundance. I am bringing two gallons to the house each day. We are eating cottage cheese, chèvre, feta and ice cream every day. Today is a drizzly, rainy day so I started a batch of cottage cheese to eat with supper.  Now off to dodge raindrops to pick some rhubarb for dessert!


  1. How you have been blessed! To have the vision to see what is most important right now and be able to adjust to care for your mom and embrace the time you have together. I hope you have each other's company longer than you imagine.


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