Life continues on...

       It has been a while since I have posted on the blog, mostly because I didn't want to open up raw wounds. The last time I wrote about the exitement of kidding. I look forward to it every year and feeling those baby goats take their first breath in my hands never grows old. I was not prepared for the great sadness that has gone along with the happiness this year. Those of you who read this blog know that I had some reservations about Tulip catching and freshening this year. She turned eleven in February but was in such good health, I thought things would be fine. I was at work when her kids were born. I made it to the barn just in time to see the last one delivered. She was rather disgusted with me because she had never kidded without me, but I quickly got her milked out and fed her three beautiful babies, all of them spotted from head to toe. From that first evening she didn't act right. It was like she just gave up. She had no appetite and was very listless. I started antibiotics right away in case there was something going on I couldn't see. She had passed the afterbirths with no problem so I knew it wasn't that. There was no sign of mastitis. I honestly cannot tell you what happened but two days later at 1:00 am, she took her last breath in my arms. While she was dying, two pens away, Lilly was giving birth to twins. I thought to myself, "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. " She was a wonderful goat and I miss her everyday. I thank God that she gave me a beautiful black and white spotted doe kid to carry on. None will ever take her place, she was one of a kind .
        On a much lighter note, we were able to head to Sharon and Anita's and pick up three beautiful lambs today. They were in the midst of their annual shearing, so we were able to watch and learn as the shearers made it look so easy. They have a wonderful farm on the top of Cheat Mountain. It was without a doubt the most beautiful place I have ever been. All their sheep are gorgeous and I was able to bring home a Border Leicester fleece to spin. I cannot wait to start working with it. I named our three girls, Esther, Ruth and Naomi. They will be picking out a ram lamb for us this spring and I will be naming him Boaz. I am so excited to start this new part of our life. After we got the girls settled in their pen in the barn, I went back to the house to get my milk bucket and bottles. When I walked back in the barn, one of the sheep baa'd and I was so happy to hear that new sound in our barn.
        Two weeks ago, we brought home 5 Kiko goats for meat. Two does and three kids. They are all doing well and settled right in with the Nubians. They are very quiet goats and very docile also. All together we had 15 babies this year and other than Tulip, it went off without a hitch. I've already made our first batch of cottage cheese this year. I am so grateful to have our wonderful goat milk again.
       So life continues on... we are very busy with all of our newcomers. I thank God for all the blessings He has given us. Oh, I forgot to tell you the brooder has a bunch of new chicks in it and some of the sweetest little banty chicks you have ever seen.
      Sometimes I go to Tulip's grave and just sit and wish I could see her just one more time but I am so grateful for the wonderful years we had together. I was up there the other day, missing her and I felt something pulling on my braid. I turned around and there was little Aurora peeking at me and for a second I could see her mama's twinkle in her eye.


  1. Becky, sorry to hear about your Tulip. It's so hard to lose a loved one, human or animal. It's something we have no control over but hurts still the same. ~ Sam

  2. I am so sorry Becky. I know how hard it is to lose one. Big hugs to you my friend. I am glad you have a little doeling from her. I am excited about your sheep and can't wait to see pictures.

  3. Your post today was lovely.. So sorry about Tulip but happy for you having new sheep and chicks.. Sounds wonderful..
    Have a blessed day...

  4. So sorry. This is what I dread most about homesteading... when I get to.


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