Romeo, Romeo....
What a beautiful day we had yesterday!!! It was 62 degrees around 2:00 in the afternoon so I took the goats for a walk on the hill. The birds were singing and the sun was shining. I took Romeo with me. He is still in the house but I think another week and he should be able to go to the barn. He is up to 5 pounds now. He has more than doubled his birth weight. He now races through the house doing flips and jumps all the way. What a difference a week can make. He is not getting a bottle at night now but I can hear him come into our room during the night. I stay very still and don't make a noise and he goes back out by the fire. I have to get him to the barn before he figures out how to jump on the bed. My husband is very tolerant of the animals but a goat on the bed might send him over the edge..... It was so warm this morning that I did all the milking and the bottle feeding in a T-shirt. Cold weather is on it's way back but it was nice for the little break. This February has not been as bad as some we've had.
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